• 15631 JACINTOPORT BLVD. Houston 77015 TX USA
  • info@enterprisehoustonship.com

Code of conduct

Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. requires that its business objectives are achieved in an ethical, honest and legal manner, as outlined in our Code of Business Conduct (the Code).

The Code is reviewed and approved by the Board each year. The Company does not tolerate any breach of the Code and individuals found to be in breach are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The Code sets out principles and rules that apply to all directors, officers, permanent employees, temporary employees, contractors and consultants.

In summary, the Code requires all personnel to comply with all relevant laws, regulations and Company policies at all times, and to behave with integrity, maintaining internal and external relationships in a professional manner, avoiding conflicts of interest, bribery and corruption.

To ensure awareness and visibility of the Code, and to underscore Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P.’s commitment to it, we also:

  • display poster-sized copies of the Code prominently at all our locations, translated into local languages as needed
  • require all land-based management to complete an annual online Code compliance confirmation
  • require all main agents of the Company to periodically confirm compliance with the Code
  • require all joint-venture Boards to confirm compliance with the Code annually.

To promote a culture where employees feel comfortable about raising concerns about potential, suspected or actual breaches of the Code without fear of retaliation, victimisation, discrimination or disadvantage, Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. maintains a whistleblower policy and an online Speak Up system that enables anyone, internal or external, to report confidentially (anonymous or otherwise) directly to the Chairman of the Audit Committee and our Head of Operational Audit. All reports are taken seriously and investigated.

Equal opportunities

Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. is an equal opportunity employer. We promote a diverse, inclusive and safe environment. In line with our Equal Opportunities Policy, we recruit, train and develop employees who are best suited to the requirements of the job regardless of gender, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Our commitment to building a diverse and inclusive workforce at all levels of the organisation is based on creating fairness and parity.

Fair treatment and welfare of seafarers

Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. Tanker’s commitment to the fair treatment and welfare of its seafarers is supported by compliance with mandated standards from several international agreements, conventions and processes. We also provide our seafarers with benefits, resources and support that make service aboard our ships both attractive and valued by our officers and crew. These include:

  • exercise equipment or gyms on all ships
  • daily internet access for all seafarers
  • engagement and development of outstanding cadets for life-long careers at Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P.
  • career counselling, guidance and management, emphasising continuous employment to ensure high levels of expertise
  • state-of-the-art and focused safety and operational training programmes
  • empowerment of Ship Management Teams (SMTs) to drive pride of ownership.

Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. Tankers’ ships operate with valid International Transport Workers’ Federation Union (ITF) agreements (collective bargaining agreements) for all seafarers onboard. We also operate in conformance with the Seafarers’ Bill of Rights of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC); the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW); the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS); and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Compliance is verified through Port State Control and Flag State Inspections.

Human rights

We support the principles set out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization Core Conventions. Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. Tankers is also a member of IMPA ACT, supporting its Code of Conduct relating to labour and human rights.

These commitments extend across the supply chain. Many of the countries we operate in have high risks of human rights, and/or environmental or business ethics abuses. We closely monitor these areas across supply chain partners.

In 2021, Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. Tankers implemented a new responsible procurement agreement in which suppliers commit to freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced and child labour, and the prohibition of discrimination. And 100% of new suppliers signed up to the agreement.

When we recycle our ships, we only select those yards which operate in accordance with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) 2009 Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships. During recycling, Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. Tankers maintains one to three surveyors onsite at the yard, to monitor the process first-hand from start to finish. This ensures that workers’ conditions are checked and validated throughout.

Need any help?

We are here to help our customer any time. You can call on 24/7 To Answer Your Question.

+1 713 929 9917