• 15631 JACINTOPORT BLVD. Houston 77015 TX USA
  • info@enterprisehoustonship.com

Specialist training

Regular training is at the heart of our commitment to maintaining safety standards across all our operations. Our aim is to not only avoid incidents and injuries, but also to promote a culture of risk awareness where everyone is educated and motivated to ensure Stolt-Nielsen is a safe and healthy place to work.

Alongside in-house training on operational safety and minimising personal injuries, we hold routine external exercises to help staff prepare for and respond to different incident types. This includes conducting large-scale simulations with local authorities and response organisations.

We have also designed programmes to support the mental health of our seafarers – including helplines for seafarers and onshore employees, online sessions that can be delivered remotely to our employees and digital training portals for self-managed learning.

Our Stop Work Authority Programme

The ‘Stop Work Authority’ programme has been in place since 2014. It empowers everyone at Stolt-Nielsen to put a stop to work that appears unsafe. As part of their induction, all staff receive training on using this authority and everyone is given an information card (available in 18 languages) to remind them of the processes for taking action and raising concerns.

Maintaining our assets

It is critical that our assets are well designed, safely operated, inspected regularly and properly maintained to prevent accidents and any other technical failures or breakdowns.

For us, asset safety starts at the early design phase and continues throughout each asset’s lifecycle, including investing in the latest technology and equipment to ensure our standards remain up to date and, wherever possible, ahead of the curve.

We continually review procedures, refine our training and introduce improvements – such as automation – to reduce risks to our employees and maintain our assets and performance.

As a large company involving many people, the management of health and safety is an important responsibility. To avoid any risk of accidents, Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. has introduced a culture where involvement and awareness lead to intrinsically safe ways of working. Health and safety management also applies, of course, to the products that Enterprise Houston Ship Channel L.P. stores and delivers. The company ensures that the quality of all products under its responsibility is preserved. The same awareness and responsibility applies to its environmental management, which has led to improved operational methods and the more efficient use of resources.

Need any help?

We are here to help our customer any time. You can call on 24/7 To Answer Your Question.

+1 713 929 9917